Our Story
How it all began...

In 1975, at the age of ten, my father asked me to help install the baseboard and door trim in a house in Etobicoke, Ontario. He was a stickler for detail and showed me how to do things right. That experience helped me discover what I wanted to do when I grew up!

In high school and at George Brown College in Toronto, I focused my education and learning in woodworking. I excelled in my studies, so after graduating, I continued my quest. For the ten years to follow, I trained under a great teacher named Sam Galeau. His business sense and strict discipline provided a stable foundation for my future as a business owner.

And now, almost 30 years later, I still run my business with the same values and habits I was taught by both Sam and my father. I know my dad would be proud of me now for building this business into what it is today!

-- Darryl Whitwell, Founder

How we're different

Our business is built on reference customers, so it's important that you have the very best experience possible when working with us. With that in mind, we follow a few very important guiding principles...

  1. We only ever work on one project at a time and we are ALWAYS done on time.
  2. We deliver a stress-free experience. To do that, we are considerate, clean, highly prepared, and in constant communication with you during the project.
  3. We bring an infectious enthusiasm and passion to your renovation project. Our aim is to be an absolute delight to work with.
Contact Us

Whitwood Interiors would be honoured to design and build the home you've always dreamed of. Contact us and we'll take care of your needs down to the smallest detail. We know you'll enjoy the end result of our passion and commitment to excellence.

Thank you for contacting me. I'll be in touch ASAP to find out how I can be of assistance.

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Contact us to discuss your home renovation needs

Thank you for contacting me. I'll be in touch ASAP to find out how I can be of assistance.

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